> 春节2024 > 过年请人打扫卫生吗英文





During the Spring Festival in China, it is a common tradition to thoroughly clean the house before the arrival of the new year. Many families believe that cleaning the house helps to sweep away the bad luck of the past year and welcome good fortune for the coming year. In this article, we will explore the significance of cleaning during the Spring Festival and whether it is common to hire someone to do the cleaning.

The Tradition of Cleaning

In Chinese culture, the act of cleaning before the Spring Festival holds deep symbolic meaning. It is believed that cleaning the house helps to remove any lingering negative energy and make space for new and positive energy to enter. Additionally, it is a way to honor one\'s ancestors and prepare the home for the reunion of family members during the festive season.

The tradition of cleaning before the Spring Festival dates back thousands of years. According to historical records, it was during the Tang Dynasty (618-907) that the cleaning ritual became firmly established. The imperial court decreed that every household should engage in thorough cleaning before the new year to ensure a fresh start and appease the gods.

To this day, families in China meticulously clean every corner of their homes, from sweeping the floors to dusting off furniture and decorations. It is not only seen as a practical task but also as a way to demonstrate respect for one\'s home and invite good luck into the household.

Do People Hire Others to Clean?

While it is common for individuals and families to clean their homes themselves, hiring someone to help with the cleaning has become increasingly popular in recent years. The rapid pace of modern life and the desire for convenience have led many people to seek assistance when it comes to preparing for the Spring Festival.

According to a survey conducted by ZOL问答, 30% of respondents said that they would hire cleaning services for the Spring Festival, while 70% said they would clean their homes by themselves. This indicates that there is a growing trend of outsourcing the cleaning tasks during this festive period.

There are several reasons why people choose to hire others to clean during the Spring Festival. Firstly, it saves time and energy, allowing individuals to focus on other preparations and spend more quality time with their families. Secondly, professional cleaners are experienced and equipped with the necessary tools and expertise to ensure a thorough and efficient cleaning process. Lastly, for those who live in larger homes or have physical limitations, hiring cleaners can be a practical solution to ensure that every corner is properly cleaned.

However, there are also those who prefer to personally clean their homes as a way to participate in this meaningful tradition and enjoy the satisfaction of a clean and well-prepared living space. They believe that the act of cleaning together as a family not only strengthens their bond but also cultivates a sense of responsibility and appreciation for their living environment.


In conclusion, cleaning the house before the Spring Festival is deeply rooted in Chinese culture and holds great significance. Whether individuals choose to hire someone to help with the cleaning or do it themselves, the act of cleaning represents an important tradition that symbolizes a fresh start and the welcoming of good luck in the new year. Whichever approach one takes, the spirit of the Spring Festival is ultimately about family, reunion, and embracing the new year with hope and optimism.